Thursday, December 25, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah and her first Cabbage Patch

Hannah looking BIG next to her doll ...

Mommy & Daddy's Christmas present !!!!!

This is FUNNNNNNN !!!!!

Daddy helping ...

Checking it out....

Can we do this everyday?

Is this for me?

Big girl figuring it out on her own ...

Merry Christmas & Gezegend Kerstfeest.... Hannah did enjoy ripping some paper- Having her open a Cabbage Patch was better than receiving one as a kid... Hope everyone has a great day- Rejoice in what Christmas is about !!!! Love- Jan, Rachel, and Hannah - Bailey- Roxi- and Phoebe tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Outfit.... and ....

Here is my cuteness...
I wonder what she is thinking ?

Sleeping Princess...

Another sleeping princess

Here she is in her jumper...

Look at my little reindeer...

making her scary deer face...

no words just cuteness

My favorite ...
Hannah is becoming her own little personality- she is cooing and grabbing everything... her feet.. my hair... and she has this butterfly toy that she is particularly fond of... for an early Christmas present Daddy bought a Johnny Jumper and she is loving it- she jumped herself to sleep the other day... It is fun to her her making all her noises and hearing her sweet little voice... this mommy stuff gets better by the day...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

3 Months....

Happy Hannah
Passed out....

What r u lookin' at.....?!?!?!

Sooo sweet...

This is my favorite picture of Hannah so far...

She is trying to pull herself up- she almost has it- and talks back to us- everyday she is becoming more and more Hannah- and less baby- Aunt Tiffany took all these pictures- I think she is VERY blessed to have an Aunt Tiffany.... I still can not believe she is my baby... but I SURE am glad she is :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

12 Weeks

No more pictures MOMMY :p
Okay, one more :)

Looking stylish ...


Belly time

After my bath...
Hannah is becoming her own little personality- She is a VERY good baby- 95 % of the time she is smiling and SOOO happy- She is getting excited to see us- Hands and feet fly every where - and the smiles melt us- she is cooing and is much more alert- Being a mommy gets better by the day! God has been for more gracious than I will ever deserve- His love is clear and evident though the gift of Hannah- I can never thank Him enough for healing Hannah- or allowing me the gift of raising her - and especially teaching her about His love and her need for Him-

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2 Months .... already

In one of Daddy's outfits
Look at the crazy hair
Love the hair
Do you see what they do to me??
too adorable for words
How cute is this ?!?!
Notice the one sock... she is always taking one off
Helping Mommy with laundry
Daddy & Hannah- in an outfit that Daddy wore when he was a baby !!!!

It is hard to believe she is 2 months old already... I think she is looking more like her Daddy all the time... She is getting a little stubborn about things she likes and does not like.. but over all still very much a great baby...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

7 Weeks Old !!!

So peaceful
Getting VERY long
After a bath
This is a real smile !!!
TOOO ADORABLE!!!!Bath Time ...

Some big things between 6 and 7 weeks- The smiling is the best so far- but also sleeping in her own bed- and only getting up once a night- Mommy really likes that- For brief moments, Hannah makes some eye contact- especially when she is smiling- the most rewarding thing so far.... She is still a peaceful- content baby- I could not have asked for anything better :) Loving her more and more everyday!

Monday, September 22, 2008

1 Month Old !!!

One month ... holding-up head
Hanging out with Mommy
Strong baby
Look at those eyes ...
My very own baby doll
Future Babysitter
Another cuteness!

I am one month old today- and getting sweeter everyday... I have my 1 month check-up tomorrow- My parents are still learning that life is all about me these days- I am holding my head-up a lot and looking at Mommy and Daddy... I am growing up so fast... well in mommies opinion... :)