Saturday, November 22, 2008

3 Months....

Happy Hannah
Passed out....

What r u lookin' at.....?!?!?!

Sooo sweet...

This is my favorite picture of Hannah so far...

She is trying to pull herself up- she almost has it- and talks back to us- everyday she is becoming more and more Hannah- and less baby- Aunt Tiffany took all these pictures- I think she is VERY blessed to have an Aunt Tiffany.... I still can not believe she is my baby... but I SURE am glad she is :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

12 Weeks

No more pictures MOMMY :p
Okay, one more :)

Looking stylish ...


Belly time

After my bath...
Hannah is becoming her own little personality- She is a VERY good baby- 95 % of the time she is smiling and SOOO happy- She is getting excited to see us- Hands and feet fly every where - and the smiles melt us- she is cooing and is much more alert- Being a mommy gets better by the day! God has been for more gracious than I will ever deserve- His love is clear and evident though the gift of Hannah- I can never thank Him enough for healing Hannah- or allowing me the gift of raising her - and especially teaching her about His love and her need for Him-