Crazy Hair ...
Bounced herself to sleep
Bounced herself to sleep
Hannah hanging out with Phoebe
Already loves her kitty
Pulling Phoebe's ears... and amazingly Phoebe does not mind
Practicing standing...
This is where the cereal ended up...
Maybe I'll try?
Hannah's first big girl food- she is wearing more than she ate
I'll just spit it out
Hannah did not enjoy the first big girl food- Mommy cried- seeing Hannah in the high chair and feeding her with a spoon- Phoebe did not like it but Roxi came to Hannah's rescue and finished it for her- It is really fun to watch her accomplishments- becoming more dexterous- her laugh- and BIG smiles when she sees us- she is becoming a little more independent - she does not cry when she first wakes up - she plays and coos- and has all sorts of fun entertaining herself- This mommy stuff gets better by the day !!!!!