Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6 Months...

Reading a card from Daddy...
Hannah Loves her Daddy...
"Leave me to my card mommy"


Sitting up all by herself- this is ACTUALLY the first time- camera was handy and she was not falling she sat there for many minutes... and has been hooked ever since- When I see her sitting- I am amazed at how big she is getting
Hannah has also been sampling some of her first "big girl" foods applesauce is a MAJOR winner- bananas did not go over well
Also, beware what is in reaching distance- because it will undergo a special examination- which could include- rigorous shaking- violent bashing against anything, this also includes a taste testing- and a bit of gnawing- at the end of the experiment you will be ejected- hopefully the fall is not to far and the landing is soft-
I am happy she is a curious child-