Saturday, April 18, 2009

7 Months +++++

Daddy & Hannah at Church on Easter

AIRPLANE- Hannah loves it
**Beware of the falling drool**

Hannah in her beautiful dress

Easter Morning

What is this mom mom mom?

Candy for Daddy...
1st Easter

Bath time

Getting ready for her afternoon walk

Look what they do to me !!!!


Too cool Hannah ready for a walk

Admiring Daddy

Carrots... LoVeS the carrots

Well today April 22nd- the day I am posting this Hannah is 8 months old- So I am a little behind- I really can not believe that she is 8 months old already- All sorts of new and exciting things- When she wants her mommy- she mom mom mom's - usually followed by a ba ba ba-- mom mom mom- ba ba ba--- go figure- :) Jan for some reason is not Da da da - he is pa pa pa - we say da da da to her- to this point Hannah has not said da da da- I equate it to all the Mexican food I ate and Jan says it is she "Dutch Roots"- Dad is "Pa" there- We are both saying da da da to her- we do not want pa to stick- time will tell- Hannah is loving food- rice- mashed potatoes- carrots- applesauce- oatmeal- Still no teeth- I would say any day now with the amount of teething she has been doing (poor kid)-
Post 8 month pictures soon- before 9 months !!!!!! :)