Monday, May 11, 2009

Finally !!!!!

11 months old tooo cute!!!


Standing sort of...
Hannah is standing - pulling herself up- and is letting go sometimes...
11 months

LOVES her stacking cups...
notice the yellow one - it is her favorite she carries it everywhere- almost :)


Playing with her "friend" Blake 5 months older than Hannah ...

Big girl cup...
11 months
**taken same day as blog post**


Look close and you can see Hannah's bottom 2 teeth...
only 2 she has so far

Eating lunch... her first Kraft Mac & Cheese

Tubby time-
she seems to like the security of her tubby still...
11 months

10 months
Passed out... 10 months

Playing 9 months

Hannah with her "sleeping buddy" Phoebe...

Passed out Phoebe...
I have no idea how she sleeps with Hannah

Scary Hannah ... :)
This picture is in my top 10 fav's

Working on walking...
This was Daddy Day ... 9 months

Mini family get away to Orlando...
This weekend Hannah had tooth #1 pop in YIPPIE !
9 months

Daddy and Hannah in the BIG pool

Bath time....
9 months
Hannah looking SUPER CUTE on her first trip to the beach!!!
She slept though most of it...

Hannah was sampling some grass

Mad at Daddy for taking it away


8 months...

Hi All- Sure has taken me a little bit to update this thing... Hannah is almost a year old.. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Hannah is eating all sorts of big girl food and has been expressing personality everywhere- Hopefully Update sooner than later....