Friday, September 25, 2009

Kitty lessons 101 and ....

As of 9/23

Hannah can take 7-10 steps in a row ...
a little wobbly

Hannah and Bailey at play...

You can see Bailey is being patient with the teaching

Bailey is the only of the 3 animals that pays any attention to Hannah

Her teacher taught her well

Closely watching his student...


Roxi is just happy Hannah is not stealing "cow cow"

Okay... this is how you do it ....

Attacking Bailey .... this is normal
I am not sure if it is that is is 25 lbs or 9 years old
but he just goes with it with out much fuss ....

Getting ready for ATTACK

Petting Kitty... Nice Hannah


GOOOOO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just Because !
Hannah sporting her first Gators hat... it was a surprise for Mommy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Too cute... not to post

Loving Daddy

Yes, Dad?
**5 total teeth now... 2 bottom. 3 top..
I think looking close you can see the top 2 front **

TOOO CUTE !!!!!!!!
I think I could say that about ALL these!

Fruit Salad hair - that is what I call it...
Hannah LOVES to put her hands in her hair when she is eating..
Hannah does not mind her sticky hair

Have NO idea what this was about

Hannah looks BIG girl in this picture!

Notice the Fruit Salad hair
She had watermelon with lunch one of her favs

no word to describe the cuteness

Kinda scary Hannah

Hannah at her Birthday party on the beach
with her friend Grayson- he is 4 months younger


Loving Aunt Debbie
Hannah does "head bumps" mostly very nicely...
she will put her forehead on yours
she use to give kisses afterward- but she is too big girl for that now.

Funny Hannah

Hanging out


Hannah and her friend Sage...
Sage is a nice dogie that will play with her
unlike her own dog, Roxi.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Post Operation!

Well this was pre-operation playing in the hotel

Sticking out her tongue!
This is the new Hannah "smile"

Eating first BIG lunch - getting back to "normal"

Face got a little battered.. but looking much better
Well, we are home from Shands. God was very gracious to have the operation and recovery go as well as all has... Hannah is still not her self- who would be- she has been through more in her one trip around the sun than I have in all of mine so far. The Dr thought it was wise since the CCAM had grown since February to take the entire bottom left lobe- consisting of 40% of her lung- So she still has 60% on the left and a whole right lung- We have been told she will never know she is missing it! Glad this is getting behind us --- and MORE important Hannah will NEVER remember...