Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME !

Mommy and Hannah!

"Our Family "

Daddy and Hannah !

AHHH !!! What just happened?

Look at all the hair

Minutes Old

After 25 hours of labor I have arrived! I am currently in NICU- a few complications... I am 6 lbs 11 oz 18 1/4 inches... I and I am cute as a PRINCESS! My official arrival time 9:25 a.m. on August 22... a day Mommy and Daddy will never forget.

Hannah has already been a blessing... she is so precious... I know I am the mommy so I am a bit partial but I think she is beautiful. All 25 hours were SO very worth this beautiful baby. I have never felt "instant" love ... but God graced me with the experience this morning. I just have been looking at her and taking her all in - her nurse says she looks like me... I see it in some ways but I think she looks a lot like herself... I never knew I could love someone or something as I love her... and Thank the Lord for her ... I am excited for the time I can hold her and love her as I would like ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She IS beautiful! Can't wait to meet her in person. - Debbie