After a long day of waiting for test results to make sure my lungs were mature... I am on my way! Mommy had a test this morning to check my lungs and the first test came back immature... the results came back at 4:00 p.m. so, the next option was to do a more
in dept test ... Mommy & Daddy had to call back at 11:00 p.m. to see what the results were... and I am on my way fully mature... God is gracious... I know He comforted Daddy and Mommy and continues to amaze... Calling the hospital at 7 a.m. to see if they have a room and then heading to
Shands for delivery! See everyone VERY soon... Love Jan - Rachel and Hannah
last night, after Jan called we immediately prayed with the Urquhart family that God would touch Hannah's lungs and that the test results would come back positive - How awesome is our God! We are so grateful that Hannah is healthy and that soon you will get to see her :)
"I know that you can do ALL THINGS and that NO PURPOSE of YOURS can be thwarted." -Job 42:2
Roxy, Bailey, and Phoebe are doing great! Roxy is so sweet and very happy to see us :) Last night Bailey was out from under the bed and eating (i put food on the bed for him) and Phoebe seemed a little scared but I held her for a little while and tried to make friends :)Praying for you!
I'm SO excited for you! I can't believe the day is finally here! Hannah, I can't wait to meet you! We have been praying and will continue to be praying for all of you.
Hello Hannah!!!
We can't wait to meet you. We have heard so much about the things mommy and daddy have been doing to get ready for you. I can't wait for them to send us pictures of you. We have been praying that your test come back perfect. So happy you are almost here. Love, Liz, Ken, Alex, Fred, Lizanne and Tristen Harville
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